Puffcorn Munch is the easiest sweet treat in my repertoire. As my regular followers know, I have made a version of this delectable easy 5 minute snack for every holiday. So with out further ado, making it’s Valentine’s Day debut, I present you with Cupid Munch!
Puffcorn Munch

Easy 2 Ingredient Elf Munch
Easy 2 Ingredient Elf Munch is a must make this holiday season. Have your Elf On The Shelf make something easy and yummy for your kiddos this Christmas.
Garrett’s Elf On A Shelf (Chippy) has been a bit mischievous this year. He has done some funny things! My favorite so far was this morning when he was sitting on my little photo backdrop area. I guess he wants his face plastered all over the Internet…lol! In honor of Chippy, I have made a Christmas version of the “Munch” recipe I post for every holiday. It’s super easy and takes only 5 minutes to whip up. You can’t go wrong with Elf Munch that’s only 2 Ingredients!