My parents bought a “new” house last year and have been making it a home ever since. I absolutely love everything about their new place. One of the best parts, I’ve been able to help my mom with lot’s of the decorating. Which in turn, ultimately, means spending a ton of time together. Who doesn’t love that?! Through this journey together we are always keeping our eyes out for the perfect decor pieces that would look great for her home, be it old or new.

Dr. Seuss Green Eggs and Ham DIY Egg Costume
I’m on Dr. Seuss overload! If you follow on Instagram you will see I have been up to my eyeballs working on Read Across America Week and Dr. Seuss’s birthday celebration at the kiddos school. It’s one of my most favorite PTO events through the school year. Being that PTO has had me so busy lately, I needed a quick and easy costume for Garrett to wear during the school’s costume parade. Taking my own advice from last years Green Eggs and Ham costume post, I pulled in a couple of Garrett’s friends and made an addition to a previous costume. That’s where this Dr. Seuss Green Eggs and Ham DIY Egg Costume comes into play!

Top 9 Easy Peasy Pleasy Blog Posts of 2015
Well, it’s finally 2016! With a new year brings new plans. Currently, the blog is undergoing some changes and improvements. I am learning a lot and working on lots of new details. While this takes place, I thought it would be a great time to reflect on 2015. Writing this post actually brought back some of my favorite recipes to cook this week. Let’s check out the top 9 Easy Peasy Pleasy blog posts of 2015.

Coastal Inspired Bench Makeover When Your Home Is Totally Landlocked
My mom loves all things coastal but she lives no where near the beach. Her home is completely landlocked. Dilemma…How do you add that coastal beach feel without going overboard? I’m always leery when adding decor that doesn’t quite fit the region where I live. I think it can be done as long as you use an editing eye. Since we were needing to feel a blank spot in her family room, I decided this bench would be the perfect way to add a little of that beach vibe.

Feature Friday with Family and Friends
Lately, I’ve been spending a ton of time with my family. If you follow me on Instagram or Facebook you probably already know this. My days have been filled helping my parents get the house they purchased ready before the big move. My momma and I have been painting, furniture shopping, redoing furniture, and painting some more. Well, the day has finally arrived and we will be moving them in on Saturday! Everyone is through the moon with excitement! Continue reading

Wicker Redo With A Fun Little Story Too
This is Mrs. Hannah. She was the original owner of this piece and has since handed it down to her daughter in law. Let me give you a little background on this piece of wicker.
Mrs. Hannah, who mind you, has recorded everything in her life tells us this piece is called a Davenport. She also tells us that she purchased this piece…wait for it… on May 27, 1971. I ask myself, how in the world can a person remember exactly when they purchased a piece of furniture that dates back 44 years? Well, I have found out since that Hannah’s husband owns a business and they have always kept ledgers of purchases. I thought this was the neatest thing. How amazing to be able to pull out a notebook from so many years ago and know exactly what you were doing at that time based on purchases. Mrs. Hannah purchased this Wicker Davenport (I sound so debonair) from a store in the little town of Shirley that was run by the Hackett’s. She bought it from Ivy Hackett for, get this, only $20. Hannah believes the piece to actually have been made in the 1920’s. It held it’s place of prominence in Hannah’s home for a number of years and then was moved to her front porch. Continue reading

DIY Table To Ottoman And How To Paint Furniture Without Sanding
It’s time for another Feature Friday with Family and Friends post!
When the boys are away this is how us girls play. When the men leave town, my girlfriends and I always come up with some fun way to get down. This particular weekend we decided to get our DIY on. When a friend is in need it’s time to roll up our sleeves and get our hands dirty. There’s nothing like good company, good food, and good crafting! Turning a table into an ottoman couldn’t be easier and painting furniture without sanding first is the icing on the cake! Continue reading

Sew Easy Envelope Pillow Cover
I have been knee deep in DIY projects lately. I finish one to start another and finish that one to start again. I love it though! I like to keep the creative juices flowing. Plus, when my family or friends need a helping hand, I just can’t refuse! I have posts coming soon about all these DIY projects. I’ve been giving little sneak peaks on Facebook and Instagram, so check those out if you want to see what’s coming up. During these big DIY projects, I did squeeze in a couple smaller projects I want to share you. This project is so easy! If you have a sewing machine, you can whip this up in an hour. Continue reading

Envelope Pillow Cover Measurement Guide
Recently, I was sewing up some quick envelope pillow covers and figuring out the measurements for the umpteenth time to cut out the fabric. I thought…boy it sure would be nice if I had made a compiled list of measurements every time I sewed a new pillow cover. Wouldn’t it be much easier than figuring out the math again or digging through old notebooks to find measurements to covers I had sewn before. So, to make my job and yours a little easier next time you want to sew an envelope pillow cover, I’ve made a compiled list. This Envelope Pillow Cover Measurement Guide will be the perfect quick reference tool to save time and brain power. Continue reading

Feature Friday With Family And Friends #DIY Pregnancy Announcement
Hi all!! Happy Friday! It’s been a crazy busy week for me!
I’ve come up with an idea! I have so many talented family members and friends that are always cooking up something delicious, doing some really cool DIY projects, or throwing some fun event. I’ve decided to do a post called Feature Friday With Family And Friends! Sometimes I will have my hand in the cookie jar on these posts and sometimes I will be elbow deep. Other times it will be a spotlight on that particular family member or friend and strictly showcase how talented they are! I thought this would be a great way to show off the fun, cool, and creative things that I get to see and you wouldn’t because these folks don’t have a blog. Continue reading