I’ve been spending a lot of time in my craft room lately making costumes, working on party decorations, and generally working on my blog posts. This all equates to a huge mess in the craft room and the mess has even spilled over into the guest bedroom! Yes, I let the craft room get out of control when I have project tunnel vision which is often!! I knew I seriously needed to get it cleaned up for my own sanity! So, in the process of cleaning up the mess and placing items back where they belonged, I thought wow I use a lot of vintage enamelware for storage in my craft room….hmm. Can you see the light bulb going off above my head? I got to thinking I could write a post on ways to use those vintage finds as craft room storage. As the idea is percolating in my head and I’m still cleaning the craft room and tidying up around the house, I realized…whoa! I have an enamelware obsession! The stuff is in almost every room of my house! So the idea of a blog post on how to use enamelware as craft room storage has now grown into how enamelware can be upcycled and used everywhere in your house! Continue reading