Funtastic Friday Link Party
Funtastic Friday Link Party

Funtastic Friday Link Party 172

Welcome to the Funtastic Friday link party 172! Thank y’all so much for checking out my biscuit recipe. It was the most viewed link from last week’s link up. I guessing your Easter shopping and planning is done. Wrapped mine up today….nothing like a little procrastination.

We’re always looking for bloggers to join our party hosts. If you’re interested, please get in touch with me or one of the other hosts.

Here’s wishing you a HAPPY EASTER! Now onto the party.

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Funtastic Friday Link Party

Funtastic Friday Link Party 171

Welcome to the Funtastic Friday Link Party 171. How is your week going? Mine has been very busy. Had some technical issues with my blog this week but it seems like all has been fixed. Thanks to Dan at Stratabyte.

Interested in joining us as a party host? Our guidelines are simple. If you’re interested, get in touch with me or one of the other hosts. We’d love to have you!

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Funtastic Friday Link Party

Funtastic Friday Link Party 170

Welcome to the Funtastic Friday Link Party 170. I want to take a moment to say THANK YOU for linking up. So I bought my kiddo a green shirt to wear on St. Patrick’s Day to only realize that St. Patty’s day is on Saturday. We are actually going to be at home….wah wah wah. lol. Do y’all have any St. Patty’s Day plans?

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Funtastic Friday Link Party
Funtastic Friday Link Party

Funtastic Friday Link Party 168

Welcome to Funtastic Friday link party 168! I’m happy to announce that I have a ton of new recipes coming out soon. One event at my house produced some great recipes that I can’t wait to share with you.

Don’t forget that you can join my Pinterest Group Board. Check out how below.

I can’t wait to see what you got for this Funtastic Friday Link Party! Time to party!

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Funtastic Friday Link Party

Funtastic Friday Link Party 167

Welcome to Funtastic Friday Link Party 167! I hope y’all are staying dry. It has been raining here for days. I haven’t taken a picture for a blog post lately because it’s so dreary and dark. I’m all about the natural light. Do you use artificial lights for your blog pics? If so, which ones? I would love your tips!

Now onto the party!

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Funtastic Friday Link Party

Funtastic Friday Link Party 166

Welcome to Funtastic Friday Link Party 166. My kiddo just started winter break which means a 4 day weekend, yay!!! Do your kiddos get a winter break?

I’m looking for fun Dr. Seuss, St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, and Teacher appreciation ideas over the next couple months. I can’t wait to see what you link up.

Now onto the party.

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Funtastic Friday Link Party
Funtastic Friday Link Party

Funtastic Friday Link Party 164

Game day is this weekend and I’m ready to get in the kitchen! What will you be cooking up on Sunday?

Yay! We have a new party host, Michele, chief blogger at Coast Bohemian. We are so glad she joined us. If you’re interested in joining the party as a host, please get in touch with me or one of the other hosts.

Now onto to the party! Continue reading