Funtastic Friday Link Party

Funtastic Friday Link Party 163

Well the kiddo came down with the flu. It seems to be everywhere. My hands are so dry from using hand sanitizer. How are y’all coping with flu season?

Are you ready for game day? Got a good game day recipe? Let us see it.

We’re looking for bloggers to join our team as a party host. If you’re interested, please get in touch with me or one of the other hosts.

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Funtastic Friday Link Party

Funtastic Friday Link Party 162

He y’all! How’s the cold weather treating you? We got the scant trace of snow. The kiddo didn’t even get to miss school, needless to say he was mad. LOL. Did y’all get out of school? How much snow did you get?

*We’re looking for bloggers to join our team as a party host. If you’re interested, please get in touch with me or one of the other hosts.

Onto the Funtastic Friday Link Party…

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Funtastic Friday Link Party

Funtastic Friday Link Party 161


Super Bowl Game Day is coming up soon, Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, and St. Patrick’s Day will sneak up on us soon. I would love to see your ideas to share on social media! Link them up.

We’re looking for bloggers to help host the Funtastic Friday link party. If you’re interested, get in touch with me or one of the other party hosts.

Onto the party!

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Funtastic Friday Link Party

Funtastic Friday Link Party 160

Welcome to Funtastic Friday Link Party 160

It’s 2018! Can you believe it??? I finally got the Christmas decor down and ready to hit the blog running. My goal for 2018 is to blog more. What are your blog goals for 2018???

We’re looking for bloggers to help host the Funtastic Friday link party. If you’re interested, get in touch with me or one of the other party hosts.

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Funtastic Friday Link Party

Funtastic Friday Link Party 159

Welcome to the Funtastic Friday link Party 159. I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas! Just a few days away until the New Year. Have you made any resolutions?

We’re looking for bloggers to help host the Funtastic Friday link party. If you’re interested, get in touch with me or one of the other party hosts.

Now onto the party…

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Funtastic Friday Link Party

Funtastic Friday Link Party 158

Christmas is only 4 days away! I finished up the last of my Christmas shopping yesterday which was the food. House cleaning tomorrow and food prep starts on Saturday. How are you coming along with your Christmas preparations?

We’re looking for a few more bloggers to help us host Funtastic Friday. If you’re interested, get in touch with me or one of the other hosts.

Don’t forget that you can join my group Pinterest board. Find the instructions below.

Now onto the Funtastic Friday Link Party 158!

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Funtastic Friday Link Party

Funtastic Friday Link Party 157

The countdown is really on! Only 11 days until Christmas. Can you believe it? The gift shopping is pretty much wrapped up but I’ve still got to buy groceries. I cook Christmas Dinner at my house every year. I cook all of our traditional food and no longer even need to look at a recipe. What are your favorite traditional foods for the Holiday?

We’re looking for a few more bloggers to help us host Funtastic Friday. If you’re interested, get in touch with me or one of the other hosts.

Time to party! Come link up with us.

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Funtastic Friday Link Party
Funtastic Friday Link Party

Funtastic Friday Link Party 155


Can you feel it? It’s the feeling when Christmas is in the air! Link up your old and new Christmas content so I can fill up my Tailwind (affiliate link but all opinions are my own) for Pinterest. lol! Love y’all! Don’t forget about my Pinterest Group Board. You can become a contributor. Scroll down to find out how.

We’re looking for a few more bloggers to help us host Funtastic Friday. If you’re interested, get in touch with me or one of the other hosts.

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Funtastic Friday Link Party

Funtastic Friday Link Party 154

Happy Thanksgiving! We’re posting the party early this week so that we can all enjoy the holiday. Take your time over the weekend to find your favorite holiday posts to link up. We don’t pick our favorites until the following Tuesday so link up all weekend long!


Please follow the party hosts on social media.

FF Party Hosts

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