Before Divergent and The Hunger Games there was the Twilight Series! Back in the day, before we had a multitude of book series to choose from, Twilight was the “it” book! I’ll never forget all of my friends saying, “you just have to read the Twilight Series”! I finally took the plunge and bought a copy of Twilight. Yes, I immediately got sucked in and couldn’t put the books down! I was one of the lucky ones who actually didn’t start reading the books until all 4 books had been published. I didn’t have to wait months on end for each new book! I remember getting done with Breaking Dawn and asking my husband, “what in the heck am I going to read now?”. He disappears for a moment and comes back with a book and hands it to me…It’s a Betty Crocker Cook Book! Needless to say, I died laughing! Yes honey, I got the hint! Maybe I neglected my cooking duties for a few days but I promise no one starved and it was totally worth some self indulgence! Continue reading