Welcome to Funtastic Friday Link Party 119! It’s spring break week in our neck of the woods. We’ve stayed pretty busy with a fun trip and lots of activities. I’m keeping it short and sweet tonight. Come party with us and link up your best!
Funtastic Friday

Funtastic Friday Link Party 114
Welcome to Funtastic Friday Link Party 114! It’s my 19 year wedding anniversary weekend and the kiddo is on Winter Break. Woot Woot! Keeping it short and sweet this week. Come link up.

Funtastic Friday Link Party 111
Welcome to Funtastic Friday Link Party 111! Great news. The winner of my giveaway was selected today. Congratulations to Jessica!
I’m still looking for your Superbowl recipes and ideas to share. I’m also looking for all of your Valentine’s Day recipe and ideas to share. Link them up to this party.
On to Funtastic Friday Link Party 111!

Funtastic Friday Link Party 110
Welcome to Funtastic Friday Link Party 110! Looking to win some great prizes? You can enter my Giveaway and snag a great recipe. Check out this Easy & Hearty Etouffee and enter to win!
I’m looking for fun ideas and food to do a roundup post for the Superbowl. If you have any of those, link them up this week. I would love to share!
Now onto Funtastic Friday Link Party 110!

Funtastic Friday Link Party 109
Welcome to Funtastic Friday Link Party 109! Have you ever had a great weekend with family and friends only to follow it up by getting sick? That’s what’s happened to me. Feeling a little under the weather this week but the weekend was great. Cooked up some delicious food with good friends and I can’t wait to share those recipes with you soon.
Now onto Funtastic Friday Link Party 109!

Funtastic Friday Link Party 108
Welcome to Funtastic Friday Link Party 108! Umm…it’s freezing in my neck of the woods and apparently it’s cold everywhere. Winter has really arrived. I say we should stay warm, cozy up and hangout with all our girls from Funtastic Friday.
We have two new hosts this week. Please join us in welcoming Donella of Glue Sticks & Gumdrops and Liz of Reflecting Beautiful. We’re glad they’ve joined our party.
On to the Funtastic Friday Link Party 108!

Funtastic Friday Link Party 107
Welcome to Funtastic Friday Link Party 107. I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas! I kinda took a little blogging and social media break for the last few days. I’m recharged and ready to hit it hard again. Great new things coming in the New Year!
Looking for a new Pinterest Group Board to help your blog in 2017? Read below to get added!
We’re looking for up to three bloggers to join us as Funtastic Friday co-hosts. Contact me or one of the other bloggers if you’re interested in joining us.
On to the Funtastic Friday Link Party 107!

Funtastic Friday Link Party 105
Welcome to Funtastic Friday Link Party 105! Hey y’all! I have some exciting news to share. I got selected as the Arkansas Women Bloggers blogger of the month. Woot Woot! I’m extremely honored. If you’ve ever wondered what got me started blogging, you should check out this post here. I also had the chance to write an article on “Giving” that you can read here. These are some of my favorite ways to give back.
Now on to the Funtastic Friday Link Party 105!

Funtastic Friday Link Party 104

Funtastic Friday Link Party 103
Welcome to Funtastic Friday Link Party 103! It’s December 1st and I feel so far behind. I still haven’t got my Christmas Decorations up. It’s on my to do list for this weekend. I figure if I stay at home for any amount of time, it will get done. Garrett’s Elf on a Shelf came back today!! Oh, and the dentist pulled 2 of his baby teeth. The best part for him is the tooth fairy comes tonight. Are you all staying super busy?
It’s time to party at the Funtastic Friday Link Party 103! Continue reading