Hi All! This week is no different than any other week…crazy busy! I am gearing up for many PTO events that will be taking place at the kiddos school over the next few weeks. One of those is Teacher Appreciation Week! As I mentioned in an earlier post, it’s one of my favorite events through the school year! We go all out in a big way to show the Teachers some love. I can’t wait to show you what all we have up our sleeves but not just yet…it will ruin the surprise. In the meantime, I have another fun idea to show the teacher’s some appreciation. A Teacher Appreciation Lunch Ideas Hot Dog Bar!!! This idea literally cost the PTO less than $100! I am also sharing a free printable flyer that you can customize for your event with instructions!

PTO, PTA, And Parents…Give The Teachers What They Really Want!
Parents, do you ever rack your brain trying to figure out the perfect gift to give your child’s teachers? One they will actually use and enjoy? I know I do and really, who needs that added stress in the midst of all the craziness of everyday life?!
Well, guess what? You never have to rack your brain again. I’ve taken the guesswork out of the equation with this free printable “We Adore You” teacher questionnaire. You can now get all of the teacher’s favorite things listed in one place.
If you are part of a PTO or PTA, I’ve got you covered too! Keep reading to find out how to combine the whole staff’s favorites all in one place with a shareable link that anyone you select can view anywhere at anytime.
*If you are part of the Wooster PTO there is no need for the printable this year. I will be sharing a link of teacher responses with you soon through email and the PTO newsletter! (You can still pin the form on Pinterest for future years.)

PTO Survival Kit With Free Printable
As some of you may know, I am starting a 2nd year as PTO President at my kiddos school. We’ve been super busy getting ready for the new school year. My house now looks like hurricane PTO hit and left total devastation in it’s wake! But really, who cares?! It’s gonna be that way all year! This PTO Survival Kit is one thing that will make my life a little easier this school year.
Being on the PTO is one of the most rewarding things I have ever done in my life! Nothing compares to the smiling faces of hundreds of kids when you tell them enough money has been raised to buy new playground equipment or new iPads. The kids get equally excited when the PTO fills the halls with the buttery smell of popcorn and they know a snack is coming their way. It is truly something to behold!
All us parents work extremely hard to make our events successful, raise money, and spoil the teachers and students rotten. We can’t forget about those parents who give endlessly to make our schools better for our children. The parents need to be spoiled a little from time to time as well.
Being as I have been the PTO President in the past, I know a few tips and tricks to help one survive the PTO. Therefore, I have created a PTO Survival Kit and free printable to use with the kit. It’s just the right stuff one will need to make it through a year on the PTO.