Hi All! This week is no different than any other week…crazy busy! I am gearing up for many PTO events that will be taking place at the kiddos school over the next few weeks. One of those is Teacher Appreciation Week! As I mentioned in an earlier post, it’s one of my favorite events through the school year! We go all out in a big way to show the Teachers some love. I can’t wait to show you what all we have up our sleeves but not just yet…it will ruin the surprise. In the meantime, I have another fun idea to show the teacher’s some appreciation. A Teacher Appreciation Lunch Ideas Hot Dog Bar!!! This idea literally cost the PTO less than $100! I am also sharing a free printable flyer that you can customize for your event with instructions!
Teacher Appreciation ideas

How To Show Teacher Appreciation In A Big Way!
The PTO set out RVing! They cruised around town and this is what they were seeing!
Massages, gift cards, and food galore…so many places for you to explore!
They collected donations for you to see. It’s a surprise what gift you will receive!
Listen up, cause there are plenty. No staff member will go without any!
Students help your teachers cheer, for the list of prizes you’re about to hear!