It’s almost March 2nd and I am continuing the series “All Things Dr. Seuss” with projects and pictures of how my child’s school celebrates this wonderful day! I would love to hear how you and your children celebrate Dr. Seuss’s birthday! Continue reading

The Weather Outside Is Frightful But The Teacher’s Lounge Is So Delightful!
Brr, It’s so cold today! I hope everyone is staying warm and cozy on this freezing day! In honor of the glorious winter weather we are receiving in the South, I thought it was only fitting to continue the “Through The Year…A Tale Of A Teachers Lounge” series with the winter theme and a hot chocolate bar! Maybe me writing and you reading this post will help warm us up a bit! Just think happy thoughts…Hot Chocolate, Hot Chocolate, Hot Chocolate!!! Continue reading

A Teacher’s Lounge Decorated with Love!
Well, it’s Valentines Day once again! I thought what better way to share the love than with a Teacher’s Lounge decked out for this special holiday and how our PTO made it happen.

Through The Year…A Tale Of The Teacher’s Lounge
As many of you know I spent a year as PTO President for my son’s school. I had a wonderful experience and made a lot of new friends! My good friend Jessica once said, “your close friends in adulthood actually turn out to be your children’s friend’s parents”. So true Jessica. The most rewarding part of the experience was raising a ton of money that went toward the betterment of the school. Throughout the year the PTO put on many events and I tried to photo document as many as I could. I thought my blog would be a great way to share all these wonderful ideas and events!