Bang Bang Shrimp is one of my favorite quick and easy recipes. With only 5 ingredients, there’s nothing to this dish. It makes a great appetizer or a perfect quick and easy weeknight meal when you serve with some rice or noodles.

Bang Bang Shrimp is one of my favorite quick and easy recipes. With only 5 ingredients, there’s nothing to this dish. It makes a great appetizer or a perfect quick and easy weeknight meal when you serve with some rice or noodles.
I love pork and I especially love pork tenderloin because it’s so inexpensive. This juicy roasted pork tenderloin recipe is easy and takes about 30 minutes.
Since it’s time for Mardi Gras, I thought I would roundup some great Mardi Gras recipes for you. Check out the links to the Mardi Gras recipes below then linkup at the Funtastic Friday Link Party.
With the ending of one year and the beginning of a new year brings a time of reflection. My favorite way to reflect on the past year of blogging is with a roundup post of the Top 10 Most Popular Recipes 2016. These recipes are extremely popular on Pinterest and brought in the most views last year. Check them out because you may have missed one or two. I would also like to thank you so much for helping make Easy Peasy Pleasy a success! I couldn’t do it without you!
Well, it’s finally 2016! With a new year brings new plans. Currently, the blog is undergoing some changes and improvements. I am learning a lot and working on lots of new details. While this takes place, I thought it would be a great time to reflect on 2015. Writing this post actually brought back some of my favorite recipes to cook this week. Let’s check out the top 9 Easy Peasy Pleasy blog posts of 2015.
It’s almost time for pots of gold at the end of the rainbow, good luck, and not getting pinched! In honor of St. Patrick’s Day I’m gonna do my very first food post! Ok St. Patrick, give me some good luck!! My fingers are crossed! Continue reading