Funtastic Friday Link Party 108

Funtastic Friday Link Party 108

Welcome to Funtastic Friday Link Party 108! Umm…it’s freezing in my neck of the woods and apparently it’s cold everywhere. Winter has really arrived. I say we should stay warm, cozy up and hangout with all our girls from Funtastic Friday.

We have two new hosts this week. Please join us in welcoming Donella of Glue Sticks & Gumdrops and Liz of Reflecting Beautiful. We’re glad they’ve joined our party.

On to the Funtastic Friday Link Party 108!

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Funtastic Friday Link Party 106

Funtastic Friday Link Party 106

Welcome to Funtastic Friday Link Party 106! Christmas is almost here! I’m getting excited! Y’all, I just had the biggest laugh with my girlfriend about her Pinterest fail that turned out to be from my blog. Check out Easy Peasy Pleasy’s Facebook page for the hilarious picture and story.

On another note Mistie from Homespun Engineer is leaving our group. We’re sad to see Mistie leave us. She’s was a great contributor to the Funtastic Friday link party. If you’re interested in joining us as a host, please contact me or one of the other hosts. We’re looking for at least three more bloggers to help us host the party.

I hope you all have the Merriest Christmas!!! Now onto the Funtastic Friday Link Party 106!

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Funtastic Friday Link Party 105

Funtastic Friday Link Party 105

Welcome to Funtastic Friday Link Party 105! Hey y’all! I have some exciting news to share. I got selected as the Arkansas Women Bloggers blogger of the month. Woot Woot! I’m extremely honored. If you’ve ever wondered what got me started blogging, you should check out this post here. I also had the chance to write an article on “Giving” that you can read here. These are some of my favorite ways to give back.

Now on to the Funtastic Friday Link Party 105!

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Funtastic Friday Link Party 104
Funtastic Friday Link Party 103

Funtastic Friday Link Party 103

Welcome to Funtastic Friday Link Party 103! It’s December 1st and I feel so far behind. I still haven’t got my Christmas Decorations up. It’s on my to do list for this weekend. I figure  if I stay at home for any amount of time, it will get done. Garrett’s Elf on a Shelf came back today!! Oh, and the dentist pulled 2 of his baby teeth. The best part for him is the tooth fairy comes tonight. Are you all staying super busy?

It’s time to party at the Funtastic Friday Link Party 103! Continue reading

Funtastic Friday Link Party 102

Funtastic Friday Link Party 102

Welcome to Funtastic Friday Link Party 102! Happy Thanksgiving!

It’s been a crazy few weeks in my life but I am so very thankful to have the chance to spend time with my family today. Round #1 done and round #2 starts tomorrow with the hubby’s family. I’m starting on some desserts and appetizers here in a few minutes. My cheese ball recipe is a must bring to every gathering. I’m so THANKFUL when someone asks me to bring this cheese ball because it’s so easy to make and there are only 4 ingredients. It’s the little things folks, it’s the little things. Only problem…there are never any leftovers. I hope you all are enjoying your Thanksgiving. Let me know what you are thankful for on this holiday of giving thanks.

Funtastic Friday Meet The Hosts

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Funtastic Friday Link Party 101

Funtastic Friday Link Party 101

Welcome to Funtastic Friday Link Party 101!

I’m feeling a little under the weather so I’m gonna keep today’s intro short and sweet.

We have two new hosts this week: Please welcome Heidi of Building Our Hive and Debra of Life Between the Kitchen and the Coop. We are so happy to have them join us.


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Funtastic Friday Link Party 100

Funtastic Friday Link Party 100

Welcome to Funtastic Friday Link Party 100!

A couple of announcements before we par-tay.
Please join us in welcoming Kimm of Reinvented. We’re so happy to have her join us. Next week, we’ll introduce another new host. We’re still looking for two more bloggers to join us. Get in touch with me or one of the other hosts if you’re interested in joining us.

Looking for a new group Pinterest board? Read below to get in on the action.

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Halloween Blog Hop 2016 and Giveaway at

Halloween Blog Hop Features and Giveaway Winner

Happy Halloween! Welcome to the final day of our 2016 Halloween Blog Hop. Each host picked three features to share with all of you. Picking just 3 was not an easy task. I grabbed a lot of ideas for next year and pinned to Pinterest. You pin the features to Pinterest and make yourself a collection of cool ideas for next Halloween. Don’t forget to check out the winner of our $100 giveaway! Before we get down to it, let me share some easy last minute Halloween favorites from Easy Peasy Pleasy.


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Funtastic Friday Link Party #98

Funtastic Friday Link Party #98

Welcome to Funtastic Friday Link Party #98! Just a few announcements before we start the party. Time is almost up to join us for our Halloween Blog Hop & $100 Giveaway, it will end this Sunday. The giveaway winner will be announced on October 31st along with our favorites from the party. We’re still looking for up to three more bloggers to help co-host Funtastic Friday. Get in touch with me or one of the other hosts if you’re interested in joining us.

Looking for a group board to join on Pinterest? Read bellow to see how to get in on the Funtastic Friday Link Party Group Board.

funtastic friday 98 hosts

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