Have you ever struggled with writing? I’ve had the hardest time finding the words lately for every blog post. Sometimes I cook up some new recipe or create some new project like these Free Thanksgiving printables but sit on them for weeks. The words won’t come to me. Then all of a sudden, something in your life happens and you know it’s the right time and the words find you all on their own.

Free Printable Teacher Gift Tags And Gift Idea
It’s back to school time y’all! This year my kiddo starts middle school. What this means, he heads off to a new campus with new teachers and a new schedule. Don’t let me get started on how nervous this makes me. On the other hand, the kiddo is extremely excited…I think it’s the locker. Another big change this year…I’m taking a back seat as an officer on the PTO. After years of big ideas, I want to focus more on ideas straight from a parents point of view. I want to get creative and think of the little things that put smiles on the teacher’s faces. With that being said, I’ve come up with some super cute free printable teacher gift tags and a fun gift idea.

Free Printable Patriotic Party Pack
It’s that time of year when the night air is filled with pops and there is a constant sparkle in the sky. I love July 4th. The beauty of fireworks, the celebration of our freedom, good food, and spending time with family and friends. What’s not to love? In honor of this amazing time of year, I’ve created a whole free printable Patriotic Party Pack. You can print it all or just what you need.

How To Organize A Room With Free Printable
Do you ever store something and tell yourself, “I’ll remember that I put that specific thing in that specific drawer or container”? I tell myself that all of the time! Guess what…I never remember! Unless it’s say like the kitchen scissors (which I will use on you, if they don’t find their way back to the drawer…lol!), or sewing pins (which are always in my sewing drawer). But what about the rest of your things??? I’ve always had this idea of making an inventory sheet and I finally tested it out and it’s working like a charm! It’s one of those charts that I could look at and know exactly what contents are in what container and where the container is in the room…check out my method on how to organize a room using this free printable!

Teacher Appreciation Lunch Ideas Hot Dog Bar
Hi All! This week is no different than any other week…crazy busy! I am gearing up for many PTO events that will be taking place at the kiddos school over the next few weeks. One of those is Teacher Appreciation Week! As I mentioned in an earlier post, it’s one of my favorite events through the school year! We go all out in a big way to show the Teachers some love. I can’t wait to show you what all we have up our sleeves but not just yet…it will ruin the surprise. In the meantime, I have another fun idea to show the teacher’s some appreciation. A Teacher Appreciation Lunch Ideas Hot Dog Bar!!! This idea literally cost the PTO less than $100! I am also sharing a free printable flyer that you can customize for your event with instructions!

Free Printable Valentine’s Day Candy Grams
Valentine’s Day is so close, it’s within our reach. If you haven’t started thinking about Valentine’s Day…now is a good time. I must say, it’s been on my mind for weeks. I have a little project at the kiddo’s school that’s had me thinking for a while now. I’ve done this sorta thing before but wanted a whole new design this year. At this point, you may be wondering, what is she talking about. It’s Candy Grams!

Free Printable Valentine Treat Bag Toppers
Love is in the air…can you feel it? I know I sure can with Valentine’s Day almost upon us. Knowing the official “love” holiday is just around the corner, I decided to make some free printable Valentine Treat Bag Toppers to use for the kiddos class party. To share the love, I’m saving you some time and offering them up for you to print for free! There is no hassle involved when it’s a free printable!

3 Free Printable Christmas Treat Bag Toppers
So, I’ve been making lots of Christmas goodies lately. By now, you know I can’t put those goodies in treat bags to give out without some kind of printable to attach to the bag. Therefore I made up these cute free Christmas Treat Bag Toppers. I’ve made up 3 different options so you can pick and print the one you like best.

Spooktacular Treat Bag Toppers
Do you remember that Monster Munch recipe I posted last week? Well, I made so much that it had to be shared. I could just throw it in a ziploc bag and share it with my friends and neighbors. But, that’s just not my style. I probably have every size treat bag that you can imagine on hand at all times. Since I keep them in stock, I might as well use them. If I’m going to use a treat bag then I’m going to need some kind of label or topper. This is where my Spooktacular Treat Bag Toppers come in handy.

Free Printable Halloween Treat Bag Toppers
I’ve been busy testing new ideas for Halloween treats lately. Let me tell you they are delicious! I’ve also been pulling out the tried and true treats. I already knew that they were good! In all my Halloween treat glory, I needed a cute way to distribute these yummy little snacks. I love passing out snacks in little treat or goodie bags. If you know me at all then you will know I can’t just hand out halloween treats in a plain old bag. Therefore, I created a couple of cute little Halloween treat bag toppers. Scroll on down for this free printable and the links to the snacks you see pictured.