Hey folks! What a crazy busy time it has been lately. School is getting so close to being out for summer and I may be more excited about it than the kiddo! Our Parent Teacher Organization has so many events planned from now until school gets out and it is keeping me on my toes. One of my favorite events of the whole school year is Teacher Appreciation Week! This year it is gonna be over the top…but I can’t spill the beans on the blog just yet, in case one of the teachers read this post. In the meantime, I thought I would share some of the lunch ideas we have done throughout the year over the next few posts. This may help give some of those PTO and PTA mommas browsing Pinterest some inspiration. First on the list…Teacher Appreciation Lunch Ideas Mexican Fiesta! There may be a recipe thrown in too!

#throwbackthursday! Twilight Style
Before Divergent and The Hunger Games there was the Twilight Series! Back in the day, before we had a multitude of book series to choose from, Twilight was the “it” book! I’ll never forget all of my friends saying, “you just have to read the Twilight Series”! I finally took the plunge and bought a copy of Twilight. Yes, I immediately got sucked in and couldn’t put the books down! I was one of the lucky ones who actually didn’t start reading the books until all 4 books had been published. I didn’t have to wait months on end for each new book! I remember getting done with Breaking Dawn and asking my husband, “what in the heck am I going to read now?”. He disappears for a moment and comes back with a book and hands it to me…It’s a Betty Crocker Cook Book! Needless to say, I died laughing! Yes honey, I got the hint! Maybe I neglected my cooking duties for a few days but I promise no one starved and it was totally worth some self indulgence! Continue reading

Football Party…Not Just a Man’s Game!
Let’s face it, women love football just as much as the men do! So, why should we let the boys have all the fun? Girls can have a football party too!
I recently had the pleasure of throwing a surprise birthday party for a dear friend of mine. First of all, she loves football and secondly her actual birthday was the day before the Super Bowl. I thought what better way to pull off the surprise than with a nonchalant invite to watch the big game. Word got out and our cover was blown…but only a little bit! Continue reading

Mickey Mouse Inspired Baby Shower
I had the honor of hosting a baby shower for one of my closest friends and wanted to share all of the ideas and pictures. My good friend was decorating the babies nursery with a Mickey Mouse theme so I decided to do the baby shower in Mickey Mouse as well. I thought this would be a great way for her to be able to reuse a lot of the items made and bought for the shower. Always love double duty!