So, I’m trying my hand at printables. I love free printables on Pinterest! I use them all the time and thought I would give it a go. Ever wonder how people make those free printables you see all over Pinterest? I found an easy solution to make a free spring printable using PicMonkey!

DIY Refrigerator Notepad With Free Printable Cover And Refills
The time had come to make out my meal plan for the week and get my grocery list underway. I keep a magnetic notepad on the fridge where I write down any items I run out of or realize I need during the week. I went to grab this notepad to write out my list and noticed it has a picture of a snowman printed on all the pages. Winter is over and the snowman is no longer relevant “refrigerator decor” for at least the next 8 months. There has to be at least 40 or 50 pages left on this notepad. Hmm…with a little finger tap to the chin…I start thinking, I could always buy a new notepad but that’s an item I usually just happen to stumble across during random shopping trips. So, instead, I decided I would make up a cover page to add to the front of the notepad with some cute graphics that translate to anytime of the year and not just one particular season. I figured while I was at it, I could make up refill sheets and never have to stumble across those little notepads during shopping again! While I’m at it, I might as well share these printables with you!

He Locked The Door And Threw Away The Keys
First, let’s start with the heart strings cause mine are pulled and my funny bone has been tickled too! Let me just say, I have the most amazing brother in the world who married the most amazing woman in the world in the most hilarious wedding ceremony in the world! Continue reading

All Things Dr. Seuss-DIY Green Eggs and Ham Costume
Dr. Seuss’s Birthday was Monday and our school throws down big time for that man! The whole week is a huge event! The PTO holds a costume contest, decks the school out from top to bottom, and gives out Seuss style snacks. The Second Grade puts on a special Seussical Musical and the school staff put on an amazing spirit day in honor of Dr. Seuss! It’s a huge event and I love it! This is one of my most favorite activities for the whole school year! I got to thinking what should Garrett be this year??? Continue reading

All Things Dr. Seuss-Sneak Peek Of Green Eggs And Ham Costume
Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!
“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.”-Dr. Seuss
A little birdie told me there will be a costume parade on Friday at Garrett’s school in honor of Dr. Seuss and Read Across America Week! I figured it was time to pull out the ole notepad and pencil and see what I could come up with! I thought I would give you all a sneak peek at Garrett’s Green Eggs and Ham costume! Continue reading

All Things Dr. Seuss-A Little Of This & A Little Of That
“Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try!”-Dr. Seuss
It’s All Things Dr. Seuss!
So, let’s jump right in! Yes, I’m doing a Dr. Seuss post again! It’s another round of great big fun, so sit right down and see how it’s done! Just take a seat and put up your feet, I promise you’re in for a real big treat! It’s everything you want to see, thanks for hanging out with me! There’s so much more for us to explore. Costumes and signs, I wonder what else we might find? It’s a little of this and a little of that! What would you do with The Cat in the Hat? It’s the series that will never end! Dr. Seuss’s birthday comes again and again! Continue reading

All Things Dr. Seuss-Green Eggs and Ham for Sam I am’s Costume
“It’s not about what it is-it’s about what it can become!”-Dr. Seuss
I took a picture from a book. I gave that book a real good look. I had a challenge in my sight. I grabbed that book and held on tight. No challenge was gonna keep me away. I knew it was time to come out and play. I grabbed my pencil and notepad. I knew had to draw it up real bad. A light bulb went off, in my head. “Hobby Lobby!”, is what I said. I got together what I’d need. I wrote down instructions that you can read. Now it’s your turn, if you dare. Go make something with a little care. Have some fun, on the way. It’s your turn to go out and play!
I hope you are enjoying my series on “All Things Dr. Seuss.” I now bring you Green Eggs and Ham! This is right, yes I am! I’m continuing my post from Sam I am! Continue reading

All Things Dr. Seuss-Sam I am Costume
“If you never did you should. These things are fun and fun is good!”-Dr. Seuss
This DIY Sam I am Costume is extremely easy with lot’s of pictures to help guide you! Ready to have some fun?!
It’s time to cheer! Dr. Seuss’s birthday is almost here! With Dr. Seuss’s birthday only a week away, it’s time for us moms to come out and play! Let’s make a costume that fits just right. I’m gonna post a new blog tonight! It’s all about Seuss and Sam I am, lets hope I don’t get a ton of Spam! The rhyming was fun but now it’s done! Wait just a minute!…we will see…is this costume for the birds and the bees? You take a side. Can this costume hide? Pin it on Pinterest and we will see, how many people are as lucky as me. Don’t be shy, just let it fly. Let’s see how far we make this thing rise! Help my blog get off the ground…pin it, pin it all around.
Have you ever wanted to make a homemade costume?

A Teacher’s Lounge Decorated with Love!
Well, it’s Valentines Day once again! I thought what better way to share the love than with a Teacher’s Lounge decked out for this special holiday and how our PTO made it happen.